އީމެއިލް ހުސް ނުކުރެވޭނެ
ޕާސްވޯޑް ހުސް ނުކުރެވޭނެ
އީމެއިލް ފޯމެޓް ގޯސްވެއްޖެއެވެ
އީމެއިލް ހުސް ނުކުރެވޭނެ
އީމެއިލް މިހާރުވެސް އެބައޮތެވެ
6-20 އަކުރު(އަކުރު ޕްލަސް ނަންބަރުތަކަށް އެކަނި)
ޕާސްވޯޑް އެއްގޮތް ނުވާތީއެވެ
އީމެއިލް ފޯމެޓް ގޯސްވެއްޖެއެވެ
އީމެއިލް ހުސް ނުކުރެވޭނެ
އީމެއިލް އެއް ނެތެވެ
6-20 އަކުރު(އަކުރު ޕްލަސް ނަންބަރުތަކަށް އެކަނި)
ޕާސްވޯޑް އެއްގޮތް ނުވާތީއެވެ
USD 25.00
1. Say Goodbye to Periodontitis:
Periodontitis can be a daunting and painful condition to deal with. Fortunately, the AO3 Ozone Water Flosser is designed specifically to combat it. Its unique ozone technology promotes the elimination of harmful bacteria, ensuring a cleaner and healthier mouth. With regular use, watch as your gums regain their vitality and inflammation decreases.
2. Unparalleled Cleaning Power:
Powered by a high-pressure water stream, this water flosser provides an intense and exhilarating cleaning experience. The strong pulsations effectively remove food particles and plaque from deep within the gum line and tight spaces between teeth. Say goodbye to hard-to-reach areas that your regular floss fails to tackle.
3. Embrace the Healing Properties of Ozone:
Ozone has long been utilized for its exceptional antimicrobial and healing properties. The AO3 Ozone Water Flosser infuses ozone into the water, creating a refreshing and powerful treatment for your gums. Ozone not only helps to kill bacteria and prevent infections but also aids in the reduction of bleeding, inflammation, and bad breath. Experience a new level of oral hygiene with this groundbreaking technology.